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Return the Rotisserie and Wrap Real Estate Crowdfunding Instead

“What will really change the way people use gift registries is when they look beyond the idea of purchasing an item, and decide they want to be a part of someone’s overall life experience instead,” ~McEwen by

When I was of the popular marrying age, I remember a moment of practicality overcoming my perpetual state of romantic ridiculi. I had disengaged from one, then began dating another. As soon as marriage was mentioned again, my verbal edit button missed its cue. As he was down on one knee, I found my self saying “Forget the ring. Buy me a house!” Oops. Definitely a moment masher, yet the logic has never escaped me. Several marital teams are combining their sense of romance with a love of logic too. Wedding registries can bear much more than shining rotisseries and china too precious to use.

Are Retail Wedding Registries Obsolete?

As the average marriage age increases, priorities have matured too. No longer are the latest gadgets at the top of the wish list of wedding accessories, nowadays couples want a home most. So, it is no surprise that innovative thinkers have turned from enlisting retail wedding registries to encouraging investing in real estate. Crowdfunding the down payment on a home certainly gives gift givers and receivers an entirely new opportunity. Blenders, toaster ovens and the coup de gras of rotisserie raptures, make no comparison to the possibility of transitioning “I Do” into real estate crowdfunding's well-known “We can.”

investing in real estateChances are, the older wedded, who have side-stepped marriage while they develop their careers, have already obtained the necessary gadgets that Weddings generally shower. Investing in real estate bears an obvious gift that everyone needs, few can attain on their own, and to which crowdfunding opens unique doors.

Yes, priceless plates are indeed slipping out of style as reality based romance takes a precedence. Homeownership is the main focus and gauge of security to life-partners of all ages. Contributing to real estate crowdfunding campaigns provides gift givers the opportunity to fill more than a cupboard. And, contributing is quick and convenient.

Crowdfunding platforms encouraging investing in marital real estate, are popping up around the globe. From Portland to Maine, pre-marital down payment crowdfunding begins with one dollar and stretches to a size relative to the power of the respective crowd. Each platform offers exposure to those wanting to purchase their first home, or even repair an existing one. You, too, can offer friends and family members a place in your future by suggesting guests throw money instead of rice.

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Investing In Real Estate: The New Marital Bliss-maker

Two months ago, Kellie Nevling of South Carolina set up a crowdfunding campaign on, to raise money for moving and deposit costs. As of July the 4th, they had raised 79% of their $1000 goal. Theresia and Jeremie of New York, New York, have raised almost $1500 of their $10,000 first home down payment goal. Each of Theresia's 8 contributors gave from $25 to $500 toward building more than a pampered dish pantry. Wedding guests are contributing to the couple's permanency, through compiling the down payment on a home. Family and friends can suddenly impact lives of loved ones in a lasting manner, as they give a place from which to anchor forever. A down payment on a home, or to repairs an existing home; both can help secure the future of a new marital partnership in ways that a blender cannot. In fact, combine those blenders, pieces of china, crystal goblets and various appliance apparitions and most will amass a pile of semi-wanted gifts valued at an average of $8000 to $8500 per wedding. Redirect that to home ownership, as Rieve MacEwen, President and co founder of Hatch My House suggests, and “Significantly boost a couple’s saving efforts.”

investing in real estate

Careful What You Wish For

A mop, a bottle of vinegar vegetables, a rusty rotisserie and an I.O.U. were on the list of The Knot's most unfortunately memorable wedding gifts. Memories on par with a nightmare! Amassing many gifts as opposed to one lasting gift, could put you on the Worst-Giftly-Wedded List too.

investing in real estateThe average wedding gift costs a minimum of $50-$75, according to The Knot. If 30% of a conservative wedding guest list, containing 300 people participated in investing in real estate through a crowdfunding campaign, the newly knotted couple could receive $4,500 to $6,750 toward a down payment on a house. To the newly engaged, I recommend: save your sanity and encourage your guests along the path of investing in real estate, to toast your future, instead of your bread.

Set up a real state crowdfunding campaign in lieu of retail gifts. There are many such crowdfunding platforms, and each host structures their fees differently. Some charge a flat fee to host a campaign, while others charge a percentage of the total money raised. Read the fine print and determine what will work best for your plans, while keeping in mind the benefits of their exposure. The following organizations are available to host your future-building campaign:

Don't be bashful about informing your friends of your campaign. If asking for money makes you uncomfortable, just include your real estate crowdfunding campaign on your list of wedding registries for your guests to choose from. List it first, with a message of opportunity for your family and friends to be part of giving a lasting gift that will actually help secure your post-wedding future. Settle it next to the photo of an anchor, as the down payment on a home is certainly security that gifters can proudly be part of.

Related: Chicago Wolves Founder~Donating With Pride

So what would you prefer as a wedding guest - Would you rather buy a traditional gift?  Or donate to a crowdfunding campaign? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

If you want to learn more, take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions we receive about real estate crowdfunding on a daily basis and find out why so many people are crowdfunding real estate projects across the country with Patch of Land.
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2 thoughts on “Return the Rotisserie and Wrap Real Estate Crowdfunding Instead”

  • Kerri Buie

    Kerri Buie commented July 15, 2015

    Brilliant idea. If you're going to let wedding guests know that yo've registered at Target or ask for contributions to a honeymoon, I don't see any problem in asking them to make an actual investment in your fiscal future together. A much more sound option than a toaster or a coffeemaker.

    Karen Perkins

    Karen Perkins reply July 15, 2015

    Thank you, Ms. Buie, for following and for sharing your comments.

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